Sunday, December 27, 2009

How to seduce girls - winning Shocking Technique A Women

All the girls want to do two things. Do you understand these two facts of life and you will be tempted one step closer to the unparalleled success with the girls ...

1. Women want sex as much as men.

2. Women need to continue and feel desired.

The second point is what counts. In fact, it's the same thing - continue to be desired.

The key to the game is to seduce the girls to follow correctly.

This means you must be and not a particular type of(If people) of these women:

1. Not a wussy, a freak, a psycho, a foolish emotional, a monster or a hole.


2. What is to be fun and safe. Or, as dating guru David DeAngelo says: "Cocky & Funny".

There is simply ridiculous. Girls remain only distracted and make jokes or funny comments. Her questions about herself, and makes possible a joke at their expense. E 'gold. Ask and you will get an unusual reaction. You will be surprised to seeComment / joke. This way you will again be the most interesting and not boring, not a wussy, and not an emotional dancer.

Now, the jokes and lightweight, this is the stuff that goes on outside. The stuff that shows you are sexually interested in her body language is subtle. These include eye contact and posture of the body (face and have a strong, self-confident attitude Alpha Male). This type of body language is communicating effectively sexual without sex. They areThey pricked and feel welcome.

The next step is to connect. You must, must, must seduce a connection with the girl what to do. Find out what she likes what she does and see if we have common interests or activities. You need at least one thing in common, they emphasize. This is very basic communication skills, and necessary to seduction.

In order to have a common interest and have made a connection, it is interesting to themFunny / cheeky / witty, and pursue them sexually with body language. Great stuff, and this is set and the last phase. Transitions.

Transitions are moments that can occur in those ways that you take a step forward in the relationship.

These are really some of the tactics of the language of the body such as contact with the eyes and safe place to be. It also includes a social / intellectual connection, as described above (togetherInterests / Activities). But then it becomes more interesting, including ...

Light touch and subtle
always their phone number or e-mail
Prelude ...

Knowing how these transitions is correct is crucial to seduce girls with success. While there are about a lot, the basic idea is to be bold and subtle.

Sex ideas for couples

New ideas for you and your sexual partner should be a healthy and exciting part of your relationship. It's fun and adventure even more ways to experience intimacy with another. Here are some wonderful ideas about sexual intimacy occur at the maximum!

1 Sex Toys!

This can range from simple erotic massage lotions or oils from real intimacy or clitoris. There may be a variety of different games you find that addingToys Fun, variety and experimentation to your privacy. Sex can play an important role in delivering this aspect of requisite variety to your intimate relationships. Being open to exploring other options, and sex toy for children and adults!

2. Teases surprises, tapes and erotic evenings!

Nothing can really top the surprises hot sex in your area. This too can be sexy lingerie sexy strip tease or new surprises. You can also romantic and eroticEvenings, and make really impress your partner. Simply "set the mood" is a good idea, as you can maximize Sex and intimacy tenfold night!

3 Sex Guide, new positions, new techniques!

One sure way to find sexual intimacy with your partner is a sex counselor or sex manual, which will provide dozens if not hundreds of ideas, things heat and add enormous and exciting change in your sex life. This isYou can easily have sex, new ideas quickly and repeatedly. For instructions, if the variety or sex, it takes new ideas and interesting places to find ideas and techniques and tricks for an intimate, erotic!