Saturday, January 2, 2010

Menopause and Sex

Because of lower levels of the hormone estrogen during perimenopause and the loss of estrogen after menopause causes changes in sexual functioning, and a woman in her vagina. Symptoms of menopause and the postmenopausal women who often have difficulty when easily excited, are often less sensitive to touch and caress that would lead, in general, agitation, in consequence of which leads to diminished interest in sex.

Comes with lower levels of estrogena decrease of blood flow to the vagina, often under the most common symptoms of dryness, itching, irritation, burning sensation, and sexual complaints. Without good hydration of the vagina, the vagina is often too dry for a normal relationship without the use of lubricants.

These symptoms begin at different times for each woman and can worsen over time if not treated and managed with some form of treatment or compensation. It is always best to consult your doctorbecause vaginal symptoms can be treated successfully, but as in all things related to menopause, in any case, determining the best treatment for you.

The entire reproductive system is in menopause, why stop period. You may experience less lubrication, is likely to give a sensation of vaginal dryness. This is one of the things that can be treated with estrogen, additional and / or use of vaginal lubricants. E 'possibleTreatment of vaginal dryness, some sexual discomfort and irritation, and burning with sexual contact with the water already available lubricants such as Astroglide or KY jelly and other lubricants will take you to your local supermarket and shops specializing in sexual products found. It is strongly recommended that not everything that is not explicitly be used for internal use.

So, until you have confirmed the doctor is no longer producing eggs andcan not get pregnant and for the prevention and sexually transmitted diseases, should not be done without special precautions for this and always use a condom. You should always have the appropriate gels, creams, oils, and can not be reduced and / or use weakens the latex (the material used, the condom is not water soluble lubricants such as Vaseline, can also provide a useful vehicle for bacterial growth, especially in someone whose immune system was compromised and weakened byChemotherapy. Note that STD and AIDS is not the age, menopause and other diseases. You must always use condoms to protect themselves from this and especially if you have more than one partner or are not sure if your partner is.

The walls of the vagina is thinner and less elastic, which may also contribute to some pain or discomfort during sex in menopause. The thinning of the walls of the vagina and the loss of elasticity can be easily identified yourObstetrician with an ultrasound. The use of ultrasound can often be a good way to determine when a test is the condition of the walls of the vagina, uterus and other female organs, but at what stage of menopause you are in. Your doctor can know how to help you through the stages of perimenopause and menopause to avoid some of the symptoms that accompany this time in a woman's life.

The lowest levels of estrogen in women experience with menopause is not the only reasonDecreased libido. Often there are many other factors, some of menopausal symptoms listed above. These include, but are not limited to:

Insomnia menopause night sweats and other factors
Menopause Weight Gain
Menopause Weight Loss
Menopause hair loss
Menopause Depression
Menopause Bleeding
Bladder control problems
Menopause Anxiety
Stress, with or without relation to the menopause
Other health problems related to or associated with menopause
Drugs on other health issues

Do not assume that you have a decrease in sexual desire after menopause. Often this time of your life brings with it a sense of sexual freedom, due to the fact that, once determined by your doctor to enjoy going through menopause, and you know that you can not get pregnant, is freedom from the risk of pregnancy and the risk of birth control, thatyour desire to have his reaction to the form of contraception that were arrested with the help. Many women have an increased sexual satisfaction of this newfound freedom. For the first time since a woman can, after the onset of menstruation, birth control and go without all the problems and issues associated with them, and have the freedom to have sex for pleasure without the worry that experience may be pregnant. Thus, because ofdecreased anxiety associated with anxiety before pregnancy, often women, after menopause, and less parental responsibility, allowing them and their partners to relax and enjoy the intimacy that are often interrupted or were the ever present possibility is interrupted by parental responsibility. This factor also offers new opportunities for sex in different places in their homes allows for the freedom and creativity of young children usually limitedhome. Both partners see each other in new ways, makes a new understanding of each other sexual nature and the new relationship with life and emotions, which perhaps more mundane and common within the confines of closed doors and a few hours or days, could be the sexual union with another, while the children were asleep or away. Moreover, their work can be changed with the pension or retirement, so morning, afternoon and evening, or travel --that new experiences and places in their sexual relationship brings. This is their time and many women love him, at the center of the attentions of her husband, now that their work, children and other tasks. This corresponds to a couple time and opportunity to reflect on their lives and their goals together and more focused on themselves to enjoy the retirement they worked hard. Enjoy this part of your life and the new freedom it offers. This is one ofBenefits of menopause, I remember, I said, it would be an upside. This is one of the best.

For this special benefit and enjoy the various pleasures out of it seems to be more freedom, a better self-esteem and happiness, which promotes a more satisfied partner and your satisfaction is, this is the same, and more orgasms. More orgasms are one of the things that contribute to many of the symptoms of menopause, and lets you through thesePhase of your life a little effort 'more. Not a bad side effect and reason for further efforts in this area. This is another benefit to the menopause.

Sexual problems of women, we are now treating hormone replacement therapy. This is yet another choice, it is necessary if you decide to do with plastics or to make a natural form of usage. You must see endrocrinologist to recognize the right for you is, after the blood or saliva tests determined (blood test is more expensive but more inclusive and conclusive). This is also the medium through which you see your doctor to be able to know what your hormone levels, which is hormonal in creating a better balance to advise.

Estrogen is often used to treat vaginal dryness, and many things that contribute to the onset of symptoms of general aging. There are a lot of studies on the combination of estrogen and male hormones, androgens, which have proved useful in improving> Sexual desire in women.

Please do not be shy to discuss these and other problems with your doctor. Although it may be difficult to discuss, it's worth the risk of unpleasant feelings for your first pass in order to examine the results of this benefit to your life. Even if you think you fit together with the other, but without this feature in your life to be found, can cause many more issues between you and your partner, which can only continue and give you the relationship youalways hoped for now that there are two, but you can also enjoy a position to it. Looking for professional advice of a consultant, which is another option and should be involved, perhaps you will begin your new life as ensuring post-menopausal women, in order, do not get to explore all the old questions and explanations, rationalizations and stupid ideas obsolete, what your old relationship, or you're old. You and your relationship to have a new start, take it as a gift and create aHave you always dreamed of.

If necessary, your doctor may refer you and your partner to a health professional specializing in sexual dysfunction to help in this matter. Often, the therapist sexual counseling for each of you advised on an individual basis with your partner, or in a support group. All these types of counseling can be very successfully, to determine whether a short-term or long term, through you and your end result. But one thing is certain.This is another area of life where there is always the case, whatever you're doing here is what will be done. Be honest with yourself and your partner, the therapist and the group. You can not help you, and you can not do more if it is made. Before talking about someone to talk with you. Decide what you want, need and want for themselves. Make a list of your goals. Think about how you know where you are today and what do you think will happen toin which you want to be. Think again, whose job it is. You have choices and respond to things and if we remain focused on the rage last year, the pain and suffering, that is, where to stay. Focus of who you are today. Ask those who want to be, and how you want to hear. Laughter, love and enjoy the love and life by a supernatural point of view, expertise and experience menopause, it is easier to support your partner and you will easily find all theirOther things to a happier future with more freedom.

Even though your sexual desire is not the way they used to condition, was more active, or perhaps have never been very active, but want to be now, but do not feel you need advice or your partner, t doesn 'who have no intimacy that both deserve. You and your partner need to find time for intimacy with another. This does not necessarily mean that the sexual intercourse. There are many ways toto express love in ways that are intimate. His affectionate with your partner can be expressed in many ways. Try to enjoy the time together doing things that otherwise could not do together. He made some of its activities that you want to learn or even fallen. Take time to discover a long, romantic walks, or rediscover your areas of more rural areas or walk neighborhoods and talk to other improvements do you see that at home, as it might. CreateDinner by candlelight and dressed surprise surprise dinner with your partner using look good, you do not care what they think of you shows. This is not a good start for a different purpose for the evening and worry about the disaster in the kitchen. One can see from the bedroom or any room you end up in any way. Enter rubbing each other massages, foot rubs and shaking hands in the car to express your love and concern for them in a way that can hear. These things breakthe old barriers that prevent learning from each other in a way that you can freely express their feelings to each other.

There are many ways to improve your sexual self-promotion, and your physical intimacy. Some suggestions are also given the symptoms of menopause, such as working hours, whether it be a walk, loading exercises, yoga, Pilates, and all the different classrooms, a gymnasium would also help to encourage you to continue to reduceIf you are still likely to stop making the phone or whatever, when you reply to the cooperation at home.

There are many ways to encourage and promote sexual and sensual and you can also help you with your partner in this way to help. One is to realize this is also a good time to gain some insight about your anatomy, such as your body goes so far. And by the way, I want to thank you and say congratulations to educate the reading of this site will bewhat is happening with you and what you can do to make the experience easier to enter, and enjoy the ride, the benefits of this transition.

Educating you connected to your anatomy, even beyond the normal variations with age, sexual function, behavior and reactions. This will help you overcome all the fears and self-consciousness about sex in general, or performance. Remember, this is not a test. And 'fun for them and bring joy toYour partner. If it does not hurt you, him or the relationship, it's probably good to do, but be sure it's something you do not have a negative impact on you or the relationship, even later, and proceed at a pace that suits you both.

Experimenting with different things, like sex toys, erotic materials that are only for that purpose, have fun and learn, like video and books. Even knowing masturbation, and various changes to improve the t routine sexual and encourage both of you,creative.

There are many different techniques to improve relations and to eliminate any fears you have one of you. Please do not forget, just because he is the man is not necessarily say that they have knowledge or experience. Everyone has their own pace and limits set by their previous experience or lack thereof, family, environment, and under what conditions due to lack of knowledge. This is the time for you to discover, share some 'of fun and wonderful experiences. Youfantasies can be used to stimulate them, games, role play and many different sex toys. There are a lot of music that you can use to help and give the watch to a sort of rhythm that you love the game. This can help a lot if any of you or both are lacking in this area so as not to be in step with each other and step by step (as you are about to climax), much worse than the gain of legs while dancing. Music, video, games, roleplay, fantasies, etc., may also be a wonderful distraction to avoid thinking and just react, which can often provide a desirable effect in a time like this.

Give each other a sensual massage is a physically challenging, not necessarily address the market. In reality, it is advisable if you have any concern about sexual intercourse, it is better to agree to have sex, unless that person is uncomfortable with this problem is to askand change the result. Otherwise, the other person to comply with this Agreement and shall not require the end of the market because of their excitement. This would undermine the confidence of others and to demonstrate to the whole process again a large crowd. The responsibility for themselves, now and forever. And then, unless the begging is part of the game role, is not something that is always the rule. If you keep your word, then go to give a massage ideal for relaxation and pleasure to bring yourPartner. Really helps in so many ways to increase communication between you and your partner with the knowledge they can trust you, too. Do what you can help yourself and relax your partner. Take a hot bath with scented oils and enjoy, until your body completely relaxed and you are already getting rid of all conditions to those of the day.

While experimenting, always how comfortable your partner is aware of the mentally and physically. There are many sexual positions that The control of depth and some can be for a woman to the problems of menopause diluting the vaginal wall, the lack of natural lubrication is inconvenient, and pain in this area due to the many changes her body is right now. You can use pillows to support both ends of one or both partners, depending on the desire, which position you are. If there was a time when you do a little 'more trouble in that area and the diffusion can not happen, then orally> Sex is a wonderful answer and gives you the opportunity to experiment more with another whole realm of possibilities. The additional benefit from the use of vibrators and other sex toys is always a wonderful change to help increase both the fun. Some people are a little 'uncomfortable with the fluid ejaculated during sex. If this is the case, or neither of you wants or is able to obtain, after a good sex romp, it is advisable to keep a small towel under the cabinetCushion always facilitate rapid recovery from simple non-first pulled out and put it together in the blessed land and cleaning the surface before falling asleep.

The use of vaginal lubricants to reduce pain caused by friction and keep it handy on the bed or wherever you have sex is very important, so do not stop and find them. Lubricants feel free to use in order to have a lot of smear and around each otherstimulation of the entire area of your erotic zone. Sometimes shaving the area to increase your enjoyment of the skin to skin, has a very stimulating effect on many. Shaving your partner may also be a wonderful intimate experience that helps both you educate one more on the partner's genitals. There are many levels of shaving in that area. Many as a completely shaved for maximum sensitivity, while others, such as a small area sometimes referred to asRunway. This is another decision that will do two and enjoy the various nuances of the new sex and the secrets that you shares together as a couple is sexually active in a new phase of your life.

How frustrating and disturbing, as stated above may seem, take heart, there are many ways to alleviate and even prevent these symptoms and conditions, including anxiety and depression often associated with menopause with our experience. It can and will happenthis stage and at a wonderful new freedom in your life.

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If we do it) Hook Up (Sex? Seven factors of university students, with a case of spring fever

Yes, you have Spring Break at a party or on the beach somewhere. 're Having fun, chillin 'and checkin' out the scene. Maybe some are cocktails (which are legal, is not it?) Before providing, what you speak, think, a hottie. And they talk about you. Sweet! So, you think to yourself: "I would really like to catch her (or him)" You're hot! 'Well, when your temperature increase, and prove the possibility of being only a visit.You probably have a case of spring fever, the results for each season can be achieved by. However, there are some things that are before you connect the view occurs. You can choose to connect, hang, or rest at any time to choose!
Here are seven factors that you have been able to keep in mind for a good time, and protect themselves.
1. Factor goggle beer: The beer can cloud your opinion if you have too much, so if your stay in limits, you can make a better choice. IfThey had a couple too many, you can ask your friend (if they think more clearly is) when what you really what you see.

2. The factor of health: Do you want to stay young and healthy! You can easily play as the prevention, treatment of sexually transmitted diseases, safe sex practices, such as condoms and other safe sex clothing, such as dental dams or gloves as part of sex. They also have the right to ask someone to healthoperate safe sex, activities such as mutual masturbation or kissing. Most of the clinics for free condoms college or other methods of contraception available if you want to access. Or go to the pharmacy or to the nearest supermarket to get supplies. If you do not know how to use condoms, the practice itself, or on a penis-shaped sex toys. If you have not, then practice on a cucumber or zucchini until you get the hang of it too.

3. The reportFactor: You're in a relationship? (not with this hottie.) If you do this, you are interested in this person, and what is your agreement to be exclusive? "You will never know" or "will never know the difference" is a lie that we can say at the moment, but you can live with that? How are you betraying your partner feel? Alternative: If you are away, the introduction of a Phone Sex with your partner instead. Use your imagination to bringwild.

4. The morning after the factor: How do you feel this decision in the morning? If they are large, with this, then go ahead and have fun. Only if you decide to link sex to love, they have all the time in which the decision is mutual, and we consider safe sex practices. You probably do not want to create a story with a child. If you like the person, however, and want to know better, you can check before you do "it takes" to see whatdeveloped. It is your attitude.

5. The backup factor: Maybe your friends know where you are? You know where you are? If the answer is no, so make sure you have someone or more people know where you are going. The address, etc., have an agreement with one of your friends about where you are. You can also request ID, so you know, the name and address of the person who can go somewhere with.

6. The factor of homecoming: How are you going home?If you are going to hum, then walk or taxi, where you are going. You better be dead.

7. The factor of small world: It 'really a small world. Remember, you can see the person again on campus or off campus, when they met through friends. I know that it is sometimes difficult for the future, if you think a great moment in the present! But consider that in people around campus, and that one minute of planning can save hourswhole series of headaches in the future. Now that will give you a dose of reality for Spring Fever gone bad.

8. Bonus: The Red Flag-Factor: If you are red flags, such as the hottie watch, powerless, and wasted, Stalking, she says she wants to marry and have children together to violate your boundaries, then run to go.