Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Seduction Tips For Men - 5 Shockingly Simple Tips to Get Her in Bed

Seducing a woman is an art, and most guys never even really take the first few steps that are needed to properly seduce a woman. If you are serious about seduction, and you want to be able to successfully get a woman in bed, then you need to start from square one. Otherwise, you could easily end up amongst the throngs of men that try to buy their way into a woman's favor, or end up going around trying cheesy routines to try and manipulate a woman into sleeping with you.

Don't assume that seduction is just about sex, because it is NOT. If you make the mistake of assuming that it's all about sex, I can almost guarantee you that you will NEVER be able to walk up to a woman and in only a short time be able to entice her into your bedroom.

Here are 5 shockingly simple tips to get her in YOUR bed:

1. You need to touch her on an emotional level before anything physical.

Trying to just use physical attraction to get a woman into bed is going to be a tough one at best. Women are sexually attracted on an emotional level much more so than a physical one, so this can work out well, as long as you focus on touching on those emotions.

2. To seduce a woman, you need to possess confidence no matter what.

Let's face the facts here. When it comes down to sex, women ARE the ones that are usually in control. You want to sleep with her and all she has to do is say NO, and your confidence and ego can crumble into little pieces. To really become successful in seduction, you need to be able to let the NO's have little effect on your ego. Otherwise, you will just shy away with the first rejection.

3. You have to do the dance.

By this I mean, most of the time you are not going to be able to get her into your bed in 5 minutes. Sure, there might be an occasion where that happens, but usually you have to kind of woo her into your bedroom and that means that you have to go through the motions. Do not be impatient or try too hard, or else the only one that is going to be in your bed is...YOU!

4. You need to build a foundation of physical attraction and BUILD on it.

I hope the first tip did not make you think that there has to be no physical attraction, because there does. The thing is, you need to be able to build on physical attraction in increasing amounts. She might think that you are cute, but that alone probably will not make her want to sleep with you. However, if you do little things along the way that trigger those sexual feelings in her, she just might not be able to keep her hands off of you.

5. You have to be respectful of her.

If you want to be the kind of guy that women desire to sleep with, then you have to show them a little respect. I know some guys that can get a girl to go to bed with them once, but never a second time. Trust me, it's much better to get the second and third time than to only get one chance with her.