Wednesday, March 31, 2010

To Give Pleasure and to Receive Pleasure - Trading Value for Value Libertarian Style

Almost everyone wants to receive pleasure and ecstasy in their sexual relationships. It is only natural for individuals to prefer pleasure to pain or non-pleasure. Unfortunately in a sexual relationship between a man and woman the roles of giving and receiving pleasure are often confused. Sexual satisfaction ends up being on the low end of the pleasure scale. They fail in their efforts to trade value for value.

Regardless of what some may believe the roles of a man and a woman in the giving and receiving of pleasure are different. How a man gives and receives pleasure and how a woman gives and receives pleasure during sex is fundamentally different.

Orgasm and The Pleasure Principle

As much as some men may think their orgasm is first priority some facts have to be faced. Most men are capable of having just one orgasm. After they climax the desire for a continuation of sex diminishes for the time being. Multiple orgasms are pretty much out of the question. Women, on the other hand, are capable of multiple orgasms--sometimes with the amount reaching double figures. What does this tell you?

As pleasurable as it is for a man to climax, it is a short-term experience--usually less than 30 seconds. Women can have multiple orgasms over a much longer time range. We can draw an obvious conclusion from this.

During sex, the maximum amount of pleasure can be experienced by both a man and a woman--if the love-making experience is directed towards the man giving the women as many orgasms as possible. The intensity of her orgasms is also important for ecstasy to be experienced. It is also crucial that the man makes sure she has what is called the "Big O."

The role of a man in a sexual relationship with his woman is to supply her with a much pleasure as possible. Her pleasure should be his pleasure.

The role of the women is to receive as much pleasure as possible and go to the max in the amount and intensity of her orgasms.

The conclusion is that the man gives all he can and the woman receives all she can. They trade value for value "The Libertarian Way". They enjoy sex libertarian style.

Obstacles to Sexual Ecstasy and Pleasure

Unfortunately it's quite common for a man to want to get off without concern for whether his lady receives pleasure or not. Porn movies are filled with scenes of a woman pleasing a man by giving him oral sex. I admit that there may be times when a woman isn't up to the orgiastic experience of explosive sex and decides to please her man in this manner.

Some women have negative views of sex and don't allow themselves the ecstasy of orgasms much less any sexual pleasure. Some are so psychologically screwed up about sex that they have become frigid. Maybe false religious views are interfering with their sexual pleasure. The Absolute Moralist's belief "that your morals are in your pants" has tragically led some to believe that sexual pleasure is immoral.

Also a man could subconsciously believe the vicious, negative propaganda he was told about sex when he was a child. Maybe his mother was under the influence of the Absolute Moralist's false, vicious beliefs. Now he thinks that sex is dirty--and because of this he prefers porn or prostitutes. Instead of becoming intensely aroused about the prospects of pleasing his woman he gets excited about her going down on him because he sees this as degrading her--and her degradation turns him on.

Accomplishing Pleasure and Sexual Ecstasy

Men--enjoy your woman by understanding her body and its needs. Find out what excites her. Discover her sensitive areas. Learn what pleases her and gets her juices flowing. Discover how you can supply her with the explosive orgasms that will have her soaring in a state of ecstasy. Remember, swimming in her sea of love may be one of the greatest pleasures a man can experience on our great planet--or in our entire universe.

One more thing. Always treat her like a lady and enjoy sensuous pleasures with her.

Women--learn to be responsive and receptive to sexual pleasure. Totally submit to the all pleasures that you can experience during sex. Let loose - and moan and scream in ecstasy. Believe it when I tell you that your man could drink from your cup of nectar forever.

And treat him like the giver of pleasure he is. Be a being of total sensuousness. You are his love. And when you are in love with the pleasure he is giving you--you are the closest thing to a Goddess he will ever experience.

If you aren't totally sure about how to give and receive pleasure there are plenty of articles on how to please a man or woman. Also get in touch with who you are. Unleash all of your sensuousness through meditation. Visualize all the sexual activities you want to indulge in. See it in your mind. Fantasize. Your visualizations will be transferred to your body, mind and spirit. You truly deserve to become a being that enjoys all the ecstasies and pleasures of sex that life has to offer.

What Turns Him On - A Guide to Talking Dirty to Your Boyfriend

You want to spice up your sex life? Learn the art of talking dirty to your boyfriend and find out what turns him on. By talking dirty I don't mean degrading them, it simply means being more vocal during sex. It's very easy to learn to talk dirty without feeling dirty. This is usually only a problem for women but men seems to have the natural ability to talk dirty and make it sound smooth and sexy.

If you are one of the women who have trouble talking dirty the cause is mostly likely a result of what you were taught as a child and the views that society has on sex. Talking dirty to your boyfriend is a natural and normal part of a sexual relationship between and man and a woman.

Forget everything you were ever taught as a young child you are no longer a little girl you are a grown woman with sexual desires and talking dirty to your boyfriend is a great way to spice up your sex life!

The first thing you must do is establish your dirty talk boundaries. If certain words offend you, you have to tell your boyfriend that otherwise he has no way of knowing. Once you have agreed on what works and what doesn't you are all set to talk dirty.

Don't be nervous or feel embarrassed just let the words flow naturally as if the two of you were having a normal conversation. Chances are you have been together long enough to know what turns him on and what doesn't. Stick to the things you know will turn him on and let the talk flow naturally. Forcing the words to come out if you're not comfortable saying them will make both of you feel awkward.

In the beginning it is sometimes best to just stick with the sweet nothings and the compliments you already know these work well and gradually add a few new words or phrases each time you have sex.

Before you know it the two of you will be enjoying all the dirty talk you can handle. Most importantly remember how simple it is to turn a man on and not forgetting to respect each other and have fun!