Tuesday, May 18, 2010

FAQ's - Is Sex Toy Use Positive And Can You Purchase Vibrators In India

India is a growing nation that and is now a powerful country on the world stage. Women in India are seeing their role in society change and they are becoming empowered an as a result are becoming more sexually aware. As a result the question of the use sex toys such vibrators have been open to debate with in the country.

There are many different beliefs and approaches to sexuality, sexual practices and the roles of women in society. The differences are born out geographically, religiously and socially. Any individuals approach to their sexual being is most often as a result of environment that they were brought up in. A person's sexuality is a product of one's parents, peer group, sexual education, media available, and religion among many mitigating factors.

In many instances most people will conform to society at large and their sexual tendencies and preferences will be similar to those around them. In Western society over the course of the last 50 years the view of sex has changed. It is fair to say that the Western world is much more liberal in their views of sex. Love-making is openly talked about subject and has led to women being more enlightened about their sexual being. A good example of this is that 20 years ago only the minority of women would of known where to locate their clitoris, now even the majority of Western men can locate a women's clitoris and understand how to bring a woman to orgasm.

If you move out of Western society sex is much more of a taboo subject. In India for example many women have trouble in purchasing a vibrator because many companies will not ship in sex toys because of the government's position in India. Attitudes are changing within India as women are gaining equality through education and carrying that through to the workforce. Indian women now want equality elsewhere and that now includes in the bedroom. The similarity with Western society of the 1960's and 1970's is uncanny. It is the use of media including the internet that has left many Indian women desiring more from their sexual experiences.

Asian women want sex to be seen as more than just procreation or for the benefit of the man. Indian women no want to their sexual encounters to satisfy their sexual needs. Through the internet and the fact that a small but influential group of women have been educated in the Western world; Indian women now understand and are aware of how they can go about achieving sexual gratification.

One of the best ways for women to learn about their sexual being and to understand how to bring their own body to orgasm is through self-pleasure. This can be done manually or through the use of sex toys such as vibrators. Through self-pleasure and experimentation women can find what kind of touch, stoke and pressure she needs on her erogenous zones (clitoris, AFE Zone and G-spot) to bring about sexual nirvana.

Although many companies don't ship vibrators to India or other sex toys with a little research there are companies out there which will. In most instances companies are under the policy that sex toys are fine to ship but pornographic material isn't. When shopping online for instance if within your country a product cannot be sold then the site will tell you when you reach the shopping cart. Yes vibrators are available to purchase in India and just requires a little bit of searching.

Women in India are slowly becoming more sexually aware and are demanding equality in the bedroom. This is set to grow as women become more enlightened through the internet, media and peer groups. The role of sex toys and vibrators will become more important and wide spread and women will have a greater understanding of their sexual being and as a result will lead to more satisfaction in their sex life.