Tuesday, July 6, 2010

How To Last Longer In Bed Naturally

So how do I last longer in bed naturally? The best way to last longer in bed naturally is to work from two perspectives, your mind and your body.

The mind is important in sex since it is the interface of the body and there the whole thing is played out. What do you think about whenever you are having sex? Take some time to think about this...if you have been thinking about her cute body and how you are going to just have fun and satisfy your cravings, you may not last too long. For some men, they cannot bear to see their dreams come true..."oh I cannot believe she is going to pull off her panties for me, this is heaven" well, that's where it all ends. Heaven will not come because you only lasted two minutes in bed and you surely did not prove you are worth the trouble.

The mind is the playground and it is the secret to lasting longer in bed naturally. If you cannot stimulate your mind to think properly, you will not last long in bed. Some other things that make you think wrong include porn movies and pictures. Such will only stimulate your faster and bring you to ejaculation. This will be transferred to be with your partner and you will not do better. The same thing goes for masturbation.

So what's the secret to winning? Sex that is born out of love will make you think about your partner as someone that depends on you for satisfaction and truly, your mind will go all the way to bring her dreams to reality. You won't believe it. She is to be loved; she is not a sex toy.

Also, your pubococcygeus muscles might have been tampered with by masturbation but you can bring it back into shape by training it this way: whenever you want to urinate, do not let the flow out at once, rather, stop the flow like 2 to 3 times before you finish and this will help in strengthening you're the PC muscles in time. It doesn't take long, you should start seeing changing in about a week of doing such.

Aren't these natural and practicable? I believe they are and doing them will make you last longer in bed naturally