Saturday, January 2, 2010

If we do it) Hook Up (Sex? Seven factors of university students, with a case of spring fever

Yes, you have Spring Break at a party or on the beach somewhere. 're Having fun, chillin 'and checkin' out the scene. Maybe some are cocktails (which are legal, is not it?) Before providing, what you speak, think, a hottie. And they talk about you. Sweet! So, you think to yourself: "I would really like to catch her (or him)" You're hot! 'Well, when your temperature increase, and prove the possibility of being only a visit.You probably have a case of spring fever, the results for each season can be achieved by. However, there are some things that are before you connect the view occurs. You can choose to connect, hang, or rest at any time to choose!
Here are seven factors that you have been able to keep in mind for a good time, and protect themselves.
1. Factor goggle beer: The beer can cloud your opinion if you have too much, so if your stay in limits, you can make a better choice. IfThey had a couple too many, you can ask your friend (if they think more clearly is) when what you really what you see.

2. The factor of health: Do you want to stay young and healthy! You can easily play as the prevention, treatment of sexually transmitted diseases, safe sex practices, such as condoms and other safe sex clothing, such as dental dams or gloves as part of sex. They also have the right to ask someone to healthoperate safe sex, activities such as mutual masturbation or kissing. Most of the clinics for free condoms college or other methods of contraception available if you want to access. Or go to the pharmacy or to the nearest supermarket to get supplies. If you do not know how to use condoms, the practice itself, or on a penis-shaped sex toys. If you have not, then practice on a cucumber or zucchini until you get the hang of it too.

3. The reportFactor: You're in a relationship? (not with this hottie.) If you do this, you are interested in this person, and what is your agreement to be exclusive? "You will never know" or "will never know the difference" is a lie that we can say at the moment, but you can live with that? How are you betraying your partner feel? Alternative: If you are away, the introduction of a Phone Sex with your partner instead. Use your imagination to bringwild.

4. The morning after the factor: How do you feel this decision in the morning? If they are large, with this, then go ahead and have fun. Only if you decide to link sex to love, they have all the time in which the decision is mutual, and we consider safe sex practices. You probably do not want to create a story with a child. If you like the person, however, and want to know better, you can check before you do "it takes" to see whatdeveloped. It is your attitude.

5. The backup factor: Maybe your friends know where you are? You know where you are? If the answer is no, so make sure you have someone or more people know where you are going. The address, etc., have an agreement with one of your friends about where you are. You can also request ID, so you know, the name and address of the person who can go somewhere with.

6. The factor of homecoming: How are you going home?If you are going to hum, then walk or taxi, where you are going. You better be dead.

7. The factor of small world: It 'really a small world. Remember, you can see the person again on campus or off campus, when they met through friends. I know that it is sometimes difficult for the future, if you think a great moment in the present! But consider that in people around campus, and that one minute of planning can save hourswhole series of headaches in the future. Now that will give you a dose of reality for Spring Fever gone bad.

8. Bonus: The Red Flag-Factor: If you are red flags, such as the hottie watch, powerless, and wasted, Stalking, she says she wants to marry and have children together to violate your boundaries, then run to go.

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