Saturday, January 9, 2010

Great Sex Through the Ages - What we have in the past to great sex - can learn with Mae West

Note: This is the first in a series

"Well behaved women rarely make history." Laurel Thatcher Ulrich

Mae West was a woman far ahead of his time. It was the first sex symbol in Hollywood, with the superstar of the scene came in 1920. This legend and cult figure successfully played a character who appears intelligent and open sexual ambiguity almost 60 years! Known for its numerous quotations that have found a place in the lexicon of pop culture, whichShows the properties that are a standard for good sex.

"A man can be short and stubby and always naked, but if he has fire, women like him."

Passion. E 'electric current that sexual desire to add. It is often the missing ingredient for listening to complaints of boredom are.

"Between two evils, I always choose the one that I never tried."

News. Our brains are connected to accept new experiences. Small differencescan mean a lot. Change the location, time of day, the usual place, or even change the room around to make it a little football, a big difference to absorb.

"I've never had any other person, as I love myself."

Self-esteem. Self-esteem is built on trust. If you focus on your mistakes and allow you to distract you, you will never relax, to enjoy sex. The more sex appeal, you can trust that you emit when you feel in your Skin.

"The best way to keep a man in your arms."

Touch. Touch provides the physical connection between two people. Sensual Touch stimulates endorphins (feel good neurotransmitters in the brain), which acts like morphine. Is there a better way to feel good only in connection with your partner? It is not addictive, either!

"I do not suggest a man who for too long, it is certain that the answer lies elsewhere."

Regularity. Excuses to avoid> Sex for any reason, a relationship killer. Physically connect to one another at regular intervals to create positive feelings. They have more sex, better you feel.

"Sex is emotion in motion."

Sex without an emotional connection with your partner, like peanut butter without jelly.

The grande dame of stage and cinema have resulted in the complaint with comments and actions like this, and many others. E 'lasted almost the entirelast century, thanks to his observations, that show was a timeless symbol that teach us the sex of the property may be continued.

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