Thursday, March 25, 2010

How to Lose Weight - Simple, Just Have Sex

Right it's quite simple, we all know it but if you look at the diet industry it defies belief. To lose weight you need to burn more calories than you take in, that's it - end of story. Of course this then leads to which side of the equation you want to tackle, the intake or the burning of calories. I'm going to lead you down a very simple logic path to the best weight loss method and best it's free.

Fasting, dramatic diets based on barely eating or just the ingestion of some strange single food group are depressing, unhealthy and ultimately completely pointless. Sure you can get some short term weight loss, but it rarely lasts unless you keep up the miserable lifestyle to maintain it. If you do, you may be thin, but you'll also be utterly miserable and unhealthy which is not a great trade off.

If you want to lose weight, just be sensible cut down on the high calorie and high fat stuff but don't go mad. You won't lose weight eating chocolate and doughnuts everyday.

Even making a few simple changes can reduce your calories intake, but now comes the other side of the equation - you need to increase the calories you burn off. The problem with exercise (especially routine) is it's very often dull and boring and a bit of chore. But sex isn't, well at least I hope it isn't, have you ever looked at those recommendations at exercising for 30 minutes a day, 5 times a week? Sounds a bit of a chore, well here's the solution just arrange a time for your work out with your partner and have sex for half an hour five time a week.

Doesn't sound too hard does it, have sex five times a week, and moderate your eating to cut out really high calorie stuff. It's a great way for a couple to lose weight and have fun and it's so simple plus it actually works. The benefits don't stop there though, not only is sex a natural and fun way to lose weight it has loads of other health benefits.

Boosting the immune system, several studies have shown that regular sex helps fight off diseases and illnesses from a higher level of Immunogoblin A. Sex helps reduce depression, many studies support this mainly through boosting relaxation, and aiding sleep. But the benefits march on, it really is good exercise, improves circulation, lowers your cholesterol and releases lots of health boosting endorphins.

So there you are - a simple plan to improve your health, lose weight in a virtually painless way - just ditch the doughnuts and spend some quality time with your partner in the sack. It's so simple its frightening and it's actually an enjoyable way to lose weight, save yourself cash on plans, books and DVDs and just follow the weight loss recommendation!

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